Thursday, March 13, 2008

Core Impact and Ed Skoudis: Penetration Testing Ninjitsu

Core Security is sponsoring Ed Skoudis's presentations on ethical hacking and penetration testing under the title "Penetration Testing Ninjitsu". Ed and Core will be doing a total of three webcasts - the first was focused on Windows command-line tricks, future webcasts are slated to include social engineering and other techniques. The next webcast will be on May 20th, 2008.

Ed is an excellent speaker, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with the techniques but who have a reasonable level of general technical knowledge. He's well worth listening to if you get a chance.

In the first presentation in the series Ed emphasized one of my favorite characteristics of an information security analyst right up front - the ability to think out of the box, and to use their innate creativity.

In his presentation, Ed talked about some of the basics of penetration testing which are worth repeating:

  • You have to know the limitations - things like scope, time, access, methods, and the final truth: you won't find all of the vulnerabilities.
  • Penetration testing can help find things that other approaches missed, and that unknown problems can be found. In addition, it often goes deeper than most audits.
  • Penetration testing isn't the only approach you should use - reviews of configurations and architecture, automated tools, audits, and interviews with personnel. The key: a comprehensive security program.
You'll find more about how to deal with the risks that you find in a penetration test in my writeup on risk handling methods and denial.

Ed also covered a number of Windows command-line tips - many of these are covered in the GCIH training for Security 504 that SANS offers, as well as in his Windows Command-line Kung-Fu. If you've taken either class, today's presentation was largely review - ping, dns lookups, arp cache checking, SMB enumeration and shares, a huge amount of detail about for loops, and a few other tricks.

The amusing observation that I and others who watched the webcast had was that during a security presentation where users were unable to see each other's names to provide anonimity, questions showed the name of the submitter. If you want to remain a bit more anonymous, you can't ask questions...

Creative Commons licensed image credit Flickr user R'eyes.

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