Reading RFID tags - Adam Laurie's RFIDIOt and the CardMan 5321 USB reader
As I noted in my last post, Improvised RFID Blocking Wallets: Preventing PayPass Skimming, I have recently been working with an OmniKey Cardman 5321 USB RFID reader in Windows. The reader is compatible with a broad range of RFID cards (From Omnikey's website):
- Philips/NXP: MIFARE®, DESFire®, MIFARE ProX®, and i.code
- Texas Instruments: TagIT®
- ST Micro: x-ident, SR 176, SR 1X 4K
- Infineon: My-d (in secure mode UID only)
- Atmel: AT088RF020
- KSW MicroTech: KSW TempSens
- JavaCard: JCOP / SMART-MX in RSA mode with 2048 bit keys
To make RFIDIOt work, I installed Python 2.5.2, as some of the packages it relies on work with 2.5, but not with 2.6. You'll need the following software packages to make it all work:
- pySerial (2.4 Win32)
- pyscard (1.6.7 Win32-py2.5)
- pycrypto (pycrypto-2.0.1.win32-py.25)
- the Python Imaging Library (PIL-1.1.6.win32.py2.5)
- pywin32-212 (pywin32-212.win32-py2.5)
You will also need to modify to use the USB device. Simply modify the section that reads:
# serial port (can be overridden with -l for Windows)
line= "SERIAL”
# serial port (can be overridden with -l for Windows)A simple re-compile of results in an updated RFIDIOtconfig.pyc, and you're ready to go.
line= "USB”
Once you have done this, you should be able to test your reader by executing multiselect.pyc, which is a simple looping tag ID reader. If you see the tag IDs when the green LED on your CardMan turns red, you've succeeded.
RFIDIOt presumes that you will have a directory in your system root called /tmp - if you want to capture any data for testing, you'll need to manually create the directory on Windows systems.